022 - 8592 0222 / 8592 0333 / 082117827026 marketing@ciwideyvalley.com

There are a variety of situations where you may require a NYC chauffeur. It can serve as your personal nanny to assist you in navigating the complexities of your home or to make sure your safety when you’re in Manhattan. There are numerous advantages to hiring an escort service in Manhattan. Big Apple. Here are a handful of. Here are a few:

— New York escorts are professional and trustworthy. While some NYC escorts may possess a tendency to be aggressive or have impulsive natures, you can rest assured that you will get what you need. You’ll be treated courteously and with respect by every NY escorts. They understand that escorts queens their goal is to make you feel special, and they’ll never want to cause negative publicity to their agency. No matter if you are taking your loved one out for romantic evening or simply for a fun date NYC escorts can give you a special experience.

A escortee who is in New York will be discrete and professional. Their attire will blend into your social gatherings and will add a spark to your evening far from the crowds. You’ll have a great evening! If you’d like to that you had an individual nanny! Both you and your partner are sure to be amazed by them.


Residential Twin Sharing
Room Rental 12 hours, 1 cb + Lunch and Dinner
1 x Lunch and 1 x Dinner
2 x Coffee Break
1 Room/Night Include Breakfast

Residential Single
Room Rental 12 hours, 1 cb + Lunch and Dinner
1 x Lunch and 1 x Dinner
2 x Coffee Break
1 Room/Night Include Breakfast


Room Rental 4 hours, 1 cb + Lunch or Dinner
1 x Lunch or Dinner
1 x Coffee Break

Fullday Package
Room Rental 8 hours, 1 cb + Lunch or Dinner
1 x Lunch or Dinner
2 x Coffee Break

Fullboard Package
Room Rental 12 hours, 1 cb + Lunch and Dinner
1 x Lunch and 1 x Dinner
2 x Coffee Break